Michelle Finch
Adjunct Professor
I have been a nurse for 32 years. I worked in the acute care setting for 17 years primarily in pediatrics. I completed my master’s in nursing education in 2006 and I began teaching in an associate degree program. I primarily taught pediatrics at that time and worked there for three years.
I transitioned to baccalaureate education 13 years ago and have taught fundamentals, fundamentals clinical, nursing skills, pediatrics, pediatric simulation, and nursing research in face-to-face classes (except during the pandemic where I taught online). I teach in graduate programs as well (all online) and have taught pathophysiology, theoretical foundations, theory and EBP, EBP practice project, theoretical foundations, advanced research, healthcare policy, ethics, and economics, nursing seminar II/curriculum design, translational research and population health management, and organizational leadership and informatics.
My PhD is in nursing education and research with an emphasis on curriculum development. My current research study is “Emotional Intelligence and Empathy of Prelicensure BSN Students in a Capstone Clinical in a Previous Curriculum Compared to a Current Curriculum.” I served on the curriculum committee to revise the BSN program of study. My colleague and I worked to develop a current innovative course Theory and EBP in the new master's curriculum at Middle Tennessee State University in 2019. I am currently the chair of the Program Evaluation and Improvement Committee. I am very involved in the local chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International and have served as president and treasurer.