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ABSN Students Answer FAQs

When it comes to enrolling in an accelerated nursing program, especially online, many questions can arise. How does the acceleration affect your nursing program’s timeline? How does online study impact the student experience? What’s the key to thriving in an accelerated nursing program?

Your dedicated admissions counselor can help with these questions, but it can be more useful to hear the answers from current students. We interviewed our current cohort of ABSN students during their clinical residency on campus, and we heard some great answers. We’re sharing those answers now in the hope that they will be useful to anyone considering an online nursing program.

Why change careers and become a nurse?

Our online Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN) program students come from many different backgrounds, but what inspires them to shift to a new career in nursing?

A common theme we hear from students is their personal experiences with nurses, whether that comes from working in the healthcare setting or time spent visiting a loved one. Nursing often stands out for those interested in healthcare due to the highly personal nature of nursing. ABSN student Payton Bell told us:

“I've always had a huge interest in healthcare, but I became a nurse because I wanted to have the intimate relationship with patients that nurses are able to have… I really like the close relationship and bond that you can build with patients.”


The online, accelerated format of the Wilkes ABSN program means coursework has to be different from traditional four-year BSN programs. Material is condensed to account for the shorter timeline. Coursework has been designed to make the online material interesting and engaging without sacrificing any essential nursing knowledge or skills.

What do students enjoy about the courses? ABSN student Kelly Samuels enjoys learning about physical assessments in nursing.

ABSN student Kelly Samuels enjoys

“I've enjoyed learning about physical assessment techniques. In the first semester, you take a class where you go through each body system one week at a time, and you learn how to fully assess that system. You create videos where you assess a volunteer patient and then you practice with a simulated patient online. It’s really interesting!”


One thing we hear from our ABSN students is the importance of connecting with your peers. Teamwork and collaboration in nursing programs are about more than just having a study buddy. Your fellow students relate to the unique demands of the program and can help you navigate them. It can also be useful to study with someone who has a distinct perspective

Payton Bell offers some excellent advice on the subject:

“It can seem like it's a pretty difficult thing to do just because you're not in a classroom together. I reached out to a girl that was in our class and basically asked if she wanted to be nursing buddies for the duration of this program. That really has a huge collaborative effect on how you are getting through the program because you always have somebody to talk to.

You have somebody to bounce ideas off of. They share the same stress that you do and really understand. It’s just building that tight-knit group of people and collaborating with them through your Zoom video meetings, chats in Zoom and your student email. If you are feeling adventurous, you can always reach out, extend an arm and give them your phone number, or ask for theirs, and just keep that communication going.”

Students in the ABSN program often create group chats for their cohort, sometimes even before classes start. This is a great way to find a study partner (or group), and maybe even a friend. If you’re interested in joining one of these groups, reach out to your admissions counselor. They may be able to point you to the owner of the chat and help you join the group.


Similar to collaboration, student support is an important aspect of higher education that online programs can sometimes lack. We’re proud to offer exceptional support for our online students to help them succeed, and when we spoke to our online ABSN students we were happy to hear about the impact it has made.

"The support we receive from our faculty here is exceptional. We have a lot of great professors and they're really cheerleaders for us. They're always there to help and we really just have a great team here.” -ABSN student Emily Parks

Another student, Chisomnazu Nwigwe, vouches for the supportive professors as well:

“So far, I love the support from the professors. They're really responsive to emails, even though we don't see them every day in person, but whenever I have a question and I shoot them an email, they always respond to my emails. And also my classmates, they have been really, really wonderful. A couple of us have a group chat where we quiz each other, ask each other questions, and that has really been helpful for the quizzes and the exams.”

Professors aren’t the only source of student support either. Wilkes offers a Student Success team who will reach out proactively throughout the program to check on you and help you stay on track with important dates. And on top of the resources provided by your program, other students can be an invaluable support system as well. Take it from Payton Bell, who told us, “The support that you get from the faculty and the other students, your colleagues and your cohort—it's incredible. I can't even describe how nice it is to have a group of people that understands exactly what you're going through.”

Advice for other students

One of the main things ABSN hopefuls wonder about is what advice the current students would give to new students coming in.

Still deciding on whether to apply or not? Breann Fetterman’s answer is, “If you think you want to do it, just go for it. Don’t wait. It’s going to take a while to go back to school, so when you get that opportunity, just go for it.”

If you’ve applied but want to start preparing, Kelly Samuels offers this advice: “The program requires organization and good time management skills. It's on you to get through the textbook and the content that they post online. The professors give you all the answers you need. You just need to have the organization to get it done”

And finally, what should you do once you’re in the thick of the online ABSN program? The program is rigorous and fast-paced, so it’s important to take care of yourself. We asked our current students about study tips for nursing students and got a variety of answers, including the following from Payton Bell “I think my biggest tip for other students, especially in a fast-paced accelerated program, is just to make sure that you're always taking time for yourself. Spend time with family or friends. Take a little break every once in a while to do something that you enjoy. That is what will help you survive in such a fast-paced program.”

Payton Bell

Why choose Wilkes for your online ABSN?

The answer to that question is different for everyone, but here are a few examples of why our students have chosen Wilkes for their online ABSN.

“I chose Wilkes University because of how convenient and flexible it was for me.” -Allison Beauchemin

“I decided it was time to focus on myself and I wanted to live out a dream I had of becoming a nurse and I looked into Wilkes, since that’s where I went for my undergrad and I really enjoyed it then.” -Emily Parks

“I live in Vermont, where there aren’t any accelerated bachelor's programs for nursing. Wilkes is close by, and it seemed flexible for an out-of-state student. It also allowed you to get your bachelor's in one year while still emphasizing clinical hours.” -Kelly Samuels

Learn more about the Wilkes online ABSN program

If you’re interested in becoming a nurse in just 12 months, the Wilkes online ABSN is a great choice. We support you in pursuing your nursing goals with a fast, convenient program that offers unparalleled support.

If you are looking to find more information on the online ABSN program or wish to speak with an Admissions Counselor, please visit the program page and fill out the form to access your free guide.

More About Wilkes

At Wilkes, we support and applaud lifelong learning. We are constantly changing, evolving and growing to meet the needs of our online student nurses. We look ahead to the degree programs, experiences and opportunities our students will need to succeed, and that includes complimentary nursing clinical placement services.

Our online nursing programs offer a variety of options for working nurses. Whether you're looking to advance your current role or broaden your career path and pursue a new specialty, Wilkes has a flexible program for you. Going back to school is a big decision. That's why we offer the mentoring and faculty member support of skilled nurse educators you need to succeed.

Out-of-State Students

Our online nursing degree programs prepare graduates to take the national board certification exam appropriate to their degree or chosen NP concentration. ABSN graduates are eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). Please see our full list of state authorizations to determine whether our program fulfills requirements for licensure in your home state. For the online ABSN program, your primary state of residence must be PA. Wilkes University will not be able to place any students who move to an unauthorized state before or during the program and this may impact your ability to continue with the program.

Primary State of Residence (PSOR)

Your PSOR is the state in which you declare as your primary residence for legal purposes. Sources used to verify your PSOR may include driver's license, federal income tax return, or voter registration. Only one state can be identified as the primary state of legal residence.

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