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Sharon Mills-Wisneski
Congratulations to Sharon Mills-Wisneski, one of our online PhD faculty members, who has been recognized for her extraordinary nursing accomplishments by the Delaware Nurses Association
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Cavill, R., & Dittman, P. (2022).
Conceptual model for interhospital transferred patients: Caring and quality outcomes. International Journal for Human Caring, 27(1).
- PhD
Adams Traister, T.A. (2023).
Virtual reality simulation's influence on nursing student's anxiety and communication skills with anxious patients: A pilot study, Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 82.
- PhD
Carroll, S., & Shaw, B. (2024).
Dismantling Ableism: Journal of Psychosocial Nursing, Vol. 62, No. 5.
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Best Online Nursing PhD Programs
- PhD
Kathryn Spiegel
Congratulations to Kathryn Spiegel RN PhD, one of our online PhD faculty members, who has authored a poster presentation at the AACN Transformation Conference: Using a Rolling Case Study Approach to Teach Quantitative Analysis in an Online PhD Nursing Program. (12/5-12/7 New Orleans)